User Preferences

The user preferences can be set to customize the behavior of Trane.


The specification for the user preferences:

fn main() {
/// The user-specific configuration
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Deserialize, PartialEq, Serialize)]
pub struct UserPreferences {
    /// The preferences for generating transcription courses.
    pub transcription: Option<TranscriptionPreferences>,

    /// The preferences for customizing the behavior of the scheduler.
    pub scheduler: Option<SchedulerPreferences>,

    /// The paths to ignore when opening the course library. The paths are relative to the
    /// repository root. All child paths are also ignored. For example, adding the directory
    /// "foo/bar" will ignore any courses in "foo/bar" or any of its subdirectories.
    pub ignored_paths: Vec<String>,

The user preferences can be set in the user_preferences.json file inside the .trane directory in a Trane library. The value is a serialized JSON object that matches the Rust type shown above. If none is found, Trane will create it with the default values.

Currently, the only user preferences that are supported are the ones for the transcription course. Refer to the Transcription Course page for more information on the user preferences for that course.